About us
How we do it:
All Forward is a global directory of partners, based on peer reviews and mutual friends. Instead of working with people we have no information about, we rely on the experiences of others to help choose our working partners
How ratings work>>
Our platform allows users to request and receive quotes quickly from reliable partners, with the option to chat and close deals in real time.
Who Are We ?
We are professional forwarders who understand the day-to-day of the business. We know the real difficulities and problems of the job, and which tools we need to become more productive and make our jobs easier.
We created All-forward to provide a new network for forwarders, where we can:
Find partners we can trust, anywhere in the world
Get quotes quickly
Choose the best shipping rates and routes
Discover new business opportunities
All Forward is a global directory of partners, based on peer reviews and mutual friends. Instead of working with people we have no information about, we rely on the experiences of others to help choose our working partners
How ratings work>>
Our platform allows users to request and receive quotes quickly from reliable partners, with the option to chat and close deals in real time.
Who Are We ?
We are professional forwarders who understand the day-to-day of the business. We know the real difficulities and problems of the job, and which tools we need to become more productive and make our jobs easier.
We created All-forward to provide a new network for forwarders, where we can:
Find partners we can trust, anywhere in the world
Get quotes quickly
Choose the best shipping rates and routes
Discover new business opportunities